Saturday 14 June 2008

Johansson And Obama Are Pen Pals

Hollywood beauty Scarlett Johansson has developed a pen pal relationship with Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The pair has been exchanging regular emails, in which Obama confesses he is a "huge movie lover" and particularly fond of Johansson's performance in Lost In Translation. The 23-year-old actress - who recently announced her engagement to actor Ryan Reynolds - is a longtime supporter of the Illinois senator. She even joked to reporters in January : "My heart belongs to Barack. I am engaged to Barack Obama. She reveals their recent "thoughtful" correspondences with Obama in an interview with website Politico. She says, "You'd imagine that someone like the Senator who is constantly travelling and constantly 'on' - how can he return these personal emails? But he does and in his off-time I know he also calls people who have donated the minimum to thank them. "I feel like I'm supporting someone, and having a personal dialogue with them, and it's amazing."

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